Company Name:
Status: Active
State: New Jersey
Post: 08108-1447
County: Camden
City: Collingswood
Address: 556 Haddon Avenue M
Phone: (856)858-5445
Fax: (856)858-5445
Contact Owner: Joseph Luski
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 753919 Industry group: Auto repair services & parking, Business category: Automotive repair shops nec, Subcategory: Carburetors
Overall: is a business categorized under automotive repair shops nec, which is part of the larger category auto repair services & parking. is located at the address 556 Haddon Avenue M in Collingswood, New Jersey 08108-1447. The Owner is Joseph Luski who can be contacted at (856)858-5445.
Description: Automotive Repair Shops, Nec
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Click here add new review about: (Auto repair services)
Name: K.F.
Message: This owner is the best, willing to help me with a very odd carb, very kind and willing to take on something I can't fix, and I run a service center, very very kind to even try to help me. I Would tell all my contacts to call him first.